06.003 Heliozela sericiella, 08.001 Incurvaria pectinea, 49.083 Acleris ferrugana
Noctuidae: subfamilies Eustrotinae to Bryophilinae - adding 32 species
1095 species presented
If anyone reading this has a copy of both the new MBGBI5.1 Tortricidae and Tortricidae of Europe - Tortricidae, Razowski - can you let me know if the labelling error in the genitalia drawings which has these species reversed in Razowski has been repeated in the new MBGBI5.1 - I think they must be labelled the wrong way round in both but have not seen Razowski.
MBGBI5.1 comments in its text on A.notana (p16) that "The genitalia drawings for this species and A.ferrugana in Razowski (1984, 2001, 2002) are reversed" - in both sexes. EITHER [MBGBI5.1 has repeated this error] OR [all other references are incorrect AND the synonyms given in MBGBI5.1 are reversed]. Images and illustrations showing the preapical aedeagal spine in the male and a notched anterior border to the sterigma with a broad introitus in the female are labelled as Peronea fissurana in Pierce and Metcalfe, A.ferrugana in BTM (Bradley), Sterling & Parsons and at Dissection Group and as A.notana in MBGBI5.1. BTM and MBGBI5.1 both synonymise P.fissurana with A.ferrugana. Images and illustrations showing a simple aedeagal apex and 3 cornuti in the male and long lateral projections to the sterigma with a narrow introitus in the female are labelled as Peronea ferrugana in Pierce and Metcalfe, A.tripunctana in BTM (Bradley), A.notana in Sterling & Parsons and at Dissection Group and as A.ferrugana in MBGBI5.1. MBGBI5.1 synonymises A.notana with P.ferrugana (P&M) and A.tripunctana (BTM) and BTM synonymises P.ferrugana (P&M) with A.tripunctana.
This is all very confusing!